Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How green are you?

Today, the contamination in the world is an important issue that the society has by resolves.

First, the people have to informed about this theme and its consequence, and learn about environmentally friendly practices, for example, recycle technique, recycle place, reuse material, etc.

In relation to my experience, I have incorporating the recycle in my habits and in the habits my family, friends and close people. I installing a recipient in the garden for throw out the recyclables objects and explaining the importance of recycling.

To reduce my carbon footprint, I utilize fabric bag to go the shopping, biodegradable bags for trash, low energy bulbs, bottle with filter, I wet the ground before to sweep, I recycle, I shut the faucet when drips, I make the most of natural light, and for transport me, I like walk or use the bicycle instead of a car.

On the other hand, I know about eco-organizations, but I have not joined or support some it. Because to help the environment not necessary belong to eco-organization.

In our society missing that the people become aware regarding this issue and its importance. If we do something today, the consequence will live the future generations. The society should begin to make actions and not only speak about the issue, begin for house with little actions, for example, use the low energy bulbs.

And you, how green are you?

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